
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Maths Dazzler digs on

Hi  Bloggers of the world. Today in maths we did Dazzler Digs On. It was about writing number stories, and it's about knowing your facts and grouping. There were four questions, some of them were hard, sometimes  I got really confused on a question .We had to work in our groups, it was really fun and sometime really easy. We had to show a picture in our books. Then our teacher sent us off to do a Screen castify. I had to do it outside and it was really cold. It was so FUN.

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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Sentece starters

Hi bloggers of the world. This week I am doing a Literacy Tumble, It is when you do... must dos, could dos and should dos. Right now I am doing a must do (this blog post). So in our Literacy Tumble this week, there is something that is called sentence structure. You have different pictures, you chose one and then you write different sentence starters. We had to get into our group and work together. There were different sentence starters. There was an alliteration, the -ly starter, short sentences, and attention-grabbing sentences. I think that it is great to do this stuff because then you will know to start your sentence with different starters and it will improve your writing. I think that I did really well doing it, and it was little bit hard because the first time I did it I had no idea.

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