Tiritiri Matangi!!!!
Hello Bloggers of the world yesterday on Thursday, I went to the Tiritiri Matangi. Tiritiri Matangi is an island of paradise, for all of the endangered animals that may not walk the ground again. But thanks to Tiritiri Matangi workers they may have a chance. We had to be straight on time wich was 7:30. it was a rush. but then the bus was 5 min late. then they arrived we got into our groups then we were of to the ferry. It was so much fun arriving to the ferry, when we were on the ferry I got a freight because it was only my second time on a ferry. We were supposed to bring money if we wanted. I bought some of the food with the money I had. It was long ride then we made it to the hauraki's golf to pick up more people to go to the island. It was 20 min to the island until we arrived.then we arrived. We had to go down by the rail. then we had to get into groups. Then we had to go to our guides. Then we went to find new birds the first bird was a Kereru that we saw. It was a long trip. the fantail followed us because we disturbed the insects.then we had lunch at the light house. then we did a scavenger hunt the.we headed back to the ferry. It was a short ride back. We went back to Auckland.Then thetrip was over and we headed back to school by bus. on the way we watched the movie moana. we arrived around 5:45 Then we arrived back at school every body went home on the cold chilly night. If you have been, please treasure it. If you haven't been try save it. link
Blog YOU Later😀🐦🐦🐦
Hi Shiya, it's me Skye from Waitemata in Waikowhai Primary School. It sounded like you had a blast. I like how you put a lot of information in it and pictures. Maybe you could put the link on the Tiritiri Matangi site for the people who want to see the site and maybe learn about Tiritiri or maybe even go there!
Kia ora Shiya. It is Mercedes here. I really like how you shared with me how you went to Tiritiri Matangi. That was a lot of information. Maybe next time read over it again if there's spelling mistakes and if your sentences make senses. If you would like to see my learning go to http://wpsmercedest.blogspot.com/. Keep up the good work. Hope to see more things from you.