Hi bloggers of the world, On Monday there was wheels day. On wheels day we all had to get into groups. My group was really cool and the first thing that they did was a very cool nice relaxing thing it was the slip-in slide. For the slip and side It was really fun, every body was so happy that we got to go on them slip-in slide for the first event. Every body wanted to be the first ones to go on the slide, and there was such a long line. After that we got to have a 30 min break, then after that we went to go and ride on some wheels. It was really fun. And then it was the end of the day. And at the end of the day we finished it of with a calm talk and how the day went.
Blog you later🚜🚲😃
My favourite part of the year was meeting my new friend Skye. Skye is a nice and caring. Me and Skye is always going to be best friends. But mine and Skye bonding ship started at camp when we were at Mt Ruapehu. at Mt Ruapehu we were really starting to bond. Me and Skye can always work together as a team. We have a good friend ship. We have had a lot of bad and good times. I have learnt a lot about Skye that she it fun and she is caring. Me and her have had a lot of experience with her. It is so much fun having a friend. If i were you I would get a true friend right NOW.
Blog You later
Hello blogger of the world we had our gala last last week and it was so much fun. Then a few day later we had to do a slideshow on the six thinking hats the main thing with the slide show was about the gala day. there was so many hats to do .There was the,white, yellow, green, black red, blue. The most hardest hat to do was the black hat because you had to do so many negatives but it was just so hard because there was no negatives. And one of my most favourite hast was the the blue hat. It was about what we did after the show. After the gala day it was super fun and I will never forget it. That was my first gala ever in my life and it was cool
Blog You later🎬🏯